水郷祭とウィーン少年合唱団 - The Vienna Boy's Chorus & Suigosai
On Sunday night, August 2, 1992, I attended the Suigosai Festival and enjoyed the many events that took place at that time. I saw dancers, singers and a wonerful Yamata no Orochi Dance, which I had to explain to two nice French people, who were interested in it. It was a lovely festival, made better by the kind and friendly people of Matsue.
As I do every year, I went to my friend’s shop, ”Home Sweet Home,” and met several friends and other visitors to Matsue. Some of them were the director of the Vienna Boy’s Chorus, which was singing at Plover Hall the next day, his wife and their pianist. They had a good time and stayed for two hours, talking about Matsue and Izumo no Kuni.
I offered to take them to Taisha the next day and they very eagerly accepted! They said they had been to many cities and had never been able to go to any place that was famous and interesting. Taisha is both! The next day, I took them there and explained all the important points of the statues, buildings and the shrine. They also went to Matsue Castle, which they found exciting and extremely interesting for its history and cultural artifacts. They were also enthusiastic at hearing the stories I told them about everything.
翌日出雲大社を案内しようと申し出たところ、彼らは喜んで承諾してくれました。彼らの話では、多くの街を訪れるのだが、名が通っており興味深い所へは行けないでいるとのことでした。大社は両方の資質を兼ね備えているところです。 翌日、私は彼らと共に大社を参拝し、像、建物、本殿など主な所を説明して廻りました。また、松江城も見学に訪れましたが、彼らは城の持つ歴史と文化財に大変興奮し関心を示してくれました。彼らは、その他多くのことに関する私の話に熱心に聴き入ってくれました。
They said that the trip was really wonderful and that they had forgotten the names of the cities they had visited, but that Matsue would remain with them forever! Great! That evening, I attended the concert because the Vienna Boy’s Chorus is known all over the world for its excellence. This was my first chance to see and hear it and I wasn’t going to miss it! The concert was superior and I enjoyed it immensely! The boys sounded like little angels. They were perfect! Did you go to see them?
彼らは、旅は本当に楽しい経験だが、これまで訪れた街の名前を忘れてしまった、しかし、松江の名は一生心に残るだろうと話してくれました。嬉しいですね。 その夜、私はウイーン少年合唱団のコンサートに出掛けました。彼らの卓越さは、世界中の人々の知るところです。私にとって初の彼らのコンサートであり、見逃す訳には行きませんでした。 素晴らしいコンサートで、私は心から堪能させてもらいました。少年達の歌声はまるで小さな天使達の様に響き、非の打ち所の無いものでした。皆さんはお出掛けになられましたか?。