陸上界のスター - Athletic Prowess
The World Track and Field Championships being held in Tokyo have given us some real thrills. One of them was the race and finishing times for the 100 meter sprint! What a marvelous and exciting finish!At least 6 runners were within one meter of each other at the finish line. Carl Lewis won and the second and third places were taken by Burrel and Mitchel. U.S.A.-1-2-3! A really fantastic and thrilling race by great athletes!
My greatest personal thrill was the women’s marathon! The finish had me sitting on the edge of my chair. Poland’s Wanda Panfil won with great strength. Mota, from Portugal, who is a great racer, had to pull out of the race. She had not had enough training because of an operation she had had two months before the race.
The exciting part was the little Japanese girl winning the silver medal within four seconds of the winner!!! Her name was Sachiko Yamashita and she was at the front with the other leaders for the whole race! She never faltered, and sometimes led the front-running group! Finishing within such a short time of the winner was a real feather in her cup!She is a jewel in the athletic crown in Japan, winning for this silver medal for the first time for her country. How I admire her!
小柄な日本人選手が、1位と4秒以下の差で銀メダルを獲得したのには感激しました。その選手の名は山下佐知子といいます。彼女はレースの最初から最後まで先頭集団の中にいました。疲れ知らずの彼女は、時としてトップに踊り出ることさえあったほどです。1位とほんのわずかの差でゴールしたというのは誇るべきことです。日本にとって初の銀メダルをもたらした彼女は、日本陸上界のスターになりました。 山下選手に惜しみない拍手を送りたいと思います。
Such power and determination and such happiness and enthusiasm at the end of the race made me feel full of admiration for her and happiness for the Japanese, a people whom I have come to love and respect, in many ways. Sachiko is from the Sanin Area, Tottori Prefecture and the city of Tottori. She went to Tottori North High School and Tottori University.Isn’t it really great to have one of our own people do something wonderful?