ゴールデンウィークと教育 - Golden Week and Education
Well, Golden week is here again. The first day is the 29th of April, which used to be the birthday of the Emperor Showa. Since his passing on, it is still a holiday. The name has been changed to “Green Day,” which is a very nice name for a Japanese holiday.
It is the season when the color green is seen everywhere. It’s one of my favorite hues, in my favorite season. I have written about these holidays before, and we all know that Children’s Day is the most fun for everybody. Children make our lives fuller and happier.
この季節は、緑が至る所に溢れています。緑は私の好きな色の一つで、この季節も好きです。 ゴールデン・ウィークについては以前にも書きました。ご存じのように、子供の日はだれにとっても楽しみな日のはずです。子供たちは、私たちの人生を満ち足りたものにし、幸福をもたらしてくれます。
I have some little friends here and there. I like their honesty and uncomplicated thoughts. Many parents think that their children are just dolls, and they are! However, they are dolls with curious minds that learn from any, and every little thing, that happens.
They know much more about life than their parents think. It must be TV, but many don’t know what their fathers do for a living. That is strange, sad, and hard for me to believe.
In America, every child knows what his, or her, father, does. It is almost a necessity, because it is a subject of discussion at school. Everyone wants to know about their friends’ homes! What kind of TV do they have? What kind of car do they have? Do they have a VTR? Do they have a CD? The kids are really interested in life. Of course, America has a reputation for a relaxed educational system, but they also have a reputation for imagination.
アメリカの子供はみんな自分の父親の職業を知っています。そのことがよく学校で話題になるため、知っていなくてはならないのです。だれもが、友だちの家のことを知りたがります。どんなテレビを持っているか、どんな車に乗っているか、ビデオデッキはあるか、CDはあるかなど、子供たちは生活に対してとても興味を持っています。 アメリカは、のびのびとした教育制度で知られていますが、それだけでなく、子供たちの想像力を育てることでも高い評価を得ています。
This is well-proven by the fact that America has taken 181 Nobel Prizes, and Japan – 7, as of 1987. With the educational system in Japan being so severe in high schools and below, the count should have been reversed. Why?
このことは、1987年の時点でノーベル賞受賞者が日本はわずか七人なのに対して、アメリカでは百八十一人も受賞していることから明らかです。 日本の、大学に入学するまでの厳しい教育制度を考えると、この数字は本来逆であるべきだと思うのですが、そうでないのはなぜでしょう。
Why can’t the Japanese get more prizes for work they are capable of doing? Even though Japan is the richest country in the world of today, they have no awards in economics! If anyone can tell me why it is necessary to teach children so severely that they lose their wonderful personalities and imagination, I would really like to know. It is a very high price to pay, just to enter a university.
日本人は自分たちができる仕事に対して、もっと賞をもらってもよいと思うのですが。今や世界一豊かな国になった日本なのに、経済に関する賞は一つもありません。 だれか教えて欲しいのですが、なぜ、子供たちの持つすばらしい個性や想像力を犠牲にするほど厳しく彼らに教える必要があるのでしょうか。私には不思議でたまりません。単に大学に入るために払う代償としては、あまりにも高すぎます。
Perhaps you parents should consider a university in another country. It is far away, but the education is very good. Imagination is rewarded, and the cost is reasonable. In Japan, the universities are a joke among foreign professors.
これから自分の子供を大学に行かせようと考えている方は、外国の大学に入れることを検討されてはいかがでしょう。遠くはなりますが、たいへん優れた教育を受けることができます。想像力が養われ、学費も決して高くはありません。 日本の大学に勤務している外国人教授の間では、この国の大学がジョークの種となっています。
Playing, and not study, seems to be the real goal of students in the universities in Japan. After seeing what they do after graduation, I really believe that to be true. They seem unqualified to do what they studied for, and the employers don’t seem to mind. They believe that the new employee must be trained to suit the company’s requirements, no matter what they are, and no matter what the student studied in the university. Isn’t this a tragedy?
The university system must be changed to allow people to enter without paying the price of losing their imagination! Employers must use the student in his chosen field, and they must allow the new employee to use his, or her, imagination to the benefit of the company, themselves, and the world.
Only then will the individual begin to stand out in Japanese society. From my viewpoint, it seems that the individual is crushed for the benefit of the company, regardless of the conseqences.
そのときこそ、日本社会の中で個人がきちんと確立されるようになるのです。 私の目には、結果の重大さに気付かないまま、企業の利益のために個人が使い捨てられているように見えます。