若人の結婚式 - A Wedding for the Young
The 15th of December was the day I, as the middleman, with the help of my very efficient wife, witnessed a young couple join their lives in wedlock! The two fine people were Hiroshi Edaki and Hiroko Nakagawa. They were a handsome couple and I sincerely hope they have a very joyful life together. They seemed happy when they left on their honeymoon.
12月15日、この日私は有能な家内の助けを借り、仲人として若い二人の人生が一つになるのに立会いました。 そのすばらしい二人とは、枝木寛さんと中川裕子さんです。このすてきなカップルが共に喜びに満ちた人生を送ることを心から願います。新婚旅行に旅立つときの二人はとても幸せそうでした。
I have always thought that weddings in Japan were all the same, but this one was a little different in that it didn’t take a long time to finish. It was, in fact, a rather informal affair which I enjoyed very much! My speech was a short one and that made me happy, since I hate to make speeches. The ceremony was sincere, joyful and much appreciated by the guests. Most of them were young and when I asked what they thought of the ceremony. The answers were, that it was just what they wanted short, enjoyable and emotionally significant.
日本の結婚式は全部同じであると常日ごろから思っていたのですが、この式はさほど長くないという点で少し異なっていました。実のところかなり打ち解けた式でとても楽しむことができました。私はスピーチをするのが好きではないのですが、手短に終えたので楽でした。 式は心がこもり喜びにあふれ、招待客たちはとても良い結婚式だったと言っていました。招待客の多くは若い人たちでした。式の感想を求めたところ彼らの答えは、理想的な結婚式‐短く楽しめ感動的‐であったというものでした。
There were few formalities and they were all finished quickly. Then, the cheerful, friendly party began in the same room. The food was excellent and the guests made the mood light and cheerful. All in all, it was a neat, pleasant and successful event.
The only serious person I saw was the father of the bride. He made a very emotional speech and I felt that he really loves daughter and want her to be happy. I hope that we will become good friends. We talked at the home of the Edaki family and discussed the many changes occuring in Japan these days. This ceremony was a sample of those changes. In the future, many of the young people who were there may want the same kind of wedding. It was a wonderful idea and a good time was had by all.
私が見た中で裕子さんのお父様だけがただ一人厳粛な面持ちでした。彼のスピーチはたいへん心のこもったもので、私は彼が娘さんを本当に愛し、彼女の幸せを願っておられるのだと感じました。お父様と良い友人になれたらと思います。私たちは枝木家で近年日本で起きているさまざまな変化について話し合いました。この式もそうした変化の一例です。 この式に参加した若い人たちの多くが、同じような式を挙げたいと思うかもしれません。すばらしい考えです。だれもにとり楽しい時間でした。