海外への旅 - Travel to a foreign country
The Japanese people are traveling outside Japan in record numbers and those numbers increase year by year. Why do they travel? Many times they go to see relatives who are working outside Japan. Others go to see beautiful places and things. Others go for play and fun. A few go to study. Most of the groups that go, as well as many others who go singly, visit many places on their trips. It seems to me that they must spend most of their time in the airports.
I always advise my students to visit only one place on a short vacation. One week is too short to see many places and learn anything at all. Around Washington D.C., it would take that long just to see a few of the sights that are really interesting and beautiful. In San Francisco, one week might seem too short to see anything at all.
私は、短い休暇なら一つの場所だけを訪れるよういつも自分の教え子たちに勧めています。たくさんの場所を観て何かを学ぼうにも1週間は短かすぎると思います。 ワシントンD・C周辺にある美しくておもしろい観光地を2、3観て回るだけでもかなりの時間がかかります。サンフランシスコの場合、1週間では短かすぎて何も観ることはできないでしょう。
Still, some people visit five places on a one-week vacation. What do they see? Airports and hotels. They can see those in Japan. Why travel if you are only going to see the inside of airports and hotels? Spend one week in one place and become familiar with it and you can say, “I saw San Francisco,” or some other wonderful place. One of my friends went to San Francisco for ten days and was busy every minute of it. Still, he didn’t see it all.
I even feel that it would take a week to see my tiny home town and the lovely country around it. Let’s take our time when we go to another country. If we don’t, we will not be able to understand anything we have seen. The purpose of travel, should be to learn other life styles and people; their customs and habits and the interesting parts of their countries. Don’t Pass through them quickly! Really see them and learn to understand them. Let’s go, but let’s go with a good purpose!