名前の大切さ - What's in a Name?
In the legend of Susanoo going to Heaven to say “Good bye” to his sister, we saw them create children. Amaterasu created three girls from Susanoo’s sword, and he created five boys from Amaterasu’s Yasaka jewels. These five children are often referred to as Hachioji. This means, “eight princes.” Yasaka probably means, “eight feet,” or in some translations, “eight slopes.” The number 8 is very powerful in Shamanism.
The word, Yasaka goes back to the origin of Japan in both the Kojiki and the Nihongi. The Izumo no Kuni Fudoki was written by Izumo no Omi Hiroshima, and his name is thought to have been the origin of the “Izumo” in, Izumo no Kuni. It is more likely that his name came from the country’s name, Izumo no Kuni. It existed before Izumo no Omi Hiroshima, even though “Izumo” is not the original old name.
八坂という言葉をさかのぼると、古事記や日本紀における日本の起源に行き着きます。 出雲の国風土記は出雲の臣広島(いずものおみひろしま)によって記されました。出雲の国の「出雲」は臣の名に由来するものと思われていますが、出雲の臣広島がその名を出雲の国から取った、という方がより信憑性があります。「出雲」は独自にあった古い名前ではないものの、臣の生まれる以前から存在していたのです。
We have Yaegaki Shrine, very famous in legends, as one of the oldest Taisha architecture shrines in Japan. “Yaegaki” means “Eight Cloud Fences.” The great God of Taisha, Daikoku, has many names. Most people do not know that Daikoku is supposed to have been the God, Mahakala, of India. Mahakala was the “Black God of Death” in that country. When he came to Japan, his character changed, and he became a very benevolent god. Benten Sama was the Goddess of Amity in India. When she came to Japan, she changed her character, and became the Goddess of Music and Beauty. It is said that she is also very jealous!
私たちの土地には、日本最古の大社造の神社の一つであり、伝説でたいへんよく知らている八重垣神社があります。八重垣とは、「八つの雲の垣根」という意味です。 出雲大社に祭られている神・大黒様はたくさんの名前を持っています。大半の人は大黒様がインドの死の黒い神・マハカラだったという説が存在することを知りません。マハカラが日本に伝わったとき、彼は善良な神へと変化を遂げました。弁天様は、インドでは親睦の神様でしたが、日本に来ると音楽と美の神様になります。弁天様はまた、たいへん嫉妬深いともいわれています。
Lafcadio Hearn changed his name to Yakumo Koizumi. Thus, he adopted his wife’s family name, and the name of his favorite district in Japan, Yakumo. This has resulted in his becoming famous in Japan as a western writer. In Japan, many husbands are adopted by their wife’s family. Their names change, but I wonder about their hearts. I really feel that a person can’t change his heart as easily as he changes his name. It is true that a name means a lot, but it means nothing unless you honor and respect it as you do your own character and reputation.
ラフカディオ・ハーンは妻の姓と日本の中の彼のおきにいりだった場所・八雲から取って名前を小泉八雲に改名します。名前を変えたことは、彼の西洋人作家としての名を知らしめることになりました。 日本では多くの男性が、妻の実家の養子となり名字を変えます。ですが、彼らの心はどうでしょう。人間の心は名前を変えるほど簡単に変わるものではないように私には感じられます。名前が大切であるというのはその通りですが、自らの個性と評価に対してなすのと同様に名前もまた尊重しなければ意味のないものになってしまいます。