書と歴史 - Writing and history
When we think that writing is a new invention in Japan, dating back to only the 5th century, at the earliest. We wonder how they knew anything about their history, except what they made for themselves. The Kojiki, oldest written record, was compiled from legends and reciters, who passed on the old tales and myths to its writers.
Every time I see something that seems to cast great age or credit on Nara as the birthplace of Japan, I always think of the Wei Chi Chronicles which told of really ancient people and huge old cities in the area of Kyushu and here in Izumo. Also to be considered is the fact that Koreans brought Buddhism to Japan and the first record is in 538, or some say a little later. Of course, Buddhism came to Japan much earlier than that with the first Korean immigrants. The fourth century may have seen Koreans spreading Buddhism around the Izumo Area and old temples abound here.
奈良の歴史の長さ、または奈良が日本誕生の地であったことを裏付ける出来事、発見に関するニュースや論説などを聞くと、私はいつも、古代の日本人の生活と今の九州、およびここ出雲に存在したと思われる王国について記した『Wei Chi Chronicles』のことが頭に浮かびます。さらに、仏教が朝鮮半島から伝わったことも忘れてはなりません。記録の上では538年に伝来したことになっていますし、もう少し後になってからという説もありますが、もちろんそれよりずっと以前に渡来人によってもたらされていました。4世紀には出雲地方にも渡来人によって仏教が広まり、多くの寺院が建てられていったのかもしれません。
Old ruins, old stories and myths of the Creation, all concern Izumo! It was not until Amaterasu decided to let her descendent take power, that she sent her grandson, Ninigi no Mikito, to Kyushu. With him she sent the three Imperial Regalia, as his symbols of authority. These regalia may all have come from the area of Matsue with its ancient iron history, its curved jewel production at Tamatsukuri and the receipt of a very old mirror by a ruler here, from a Chinese Emperor. Let us face the fact that reality plays an ever more important role with Izumo as the home of the Japanese nation and perhaps as the origin of Yamataikoku, which the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki refuse to mention, but which is being proven by more and more researchers every day.