鼕行列及びその他の催し物 - Do Gyoretsu and other events
The Do Gyoretsu is the parade of huge drums which has a long history in Matsue. It is the most important festival in the city and is related to the welcoming of a new bride for the load of Matsue Castle. In any event, this parade is wonderful and is being held on April 16th this year. Usually it is held on National Culture day, November 3rd. This year it is being held at a different time. Please come out and see it. The weather should be beautiful and it is a good flower viewing time, too.
I have always loved this parade. It is so lively and everyone has such a good time. Most of the men get drunk and the only bad spot in the parade, in autumn, is that the children pulling the drum floats get cold. Even I get cold, but when the drums are booming, the cold seems driven away. The rhythm of many drum beaters pounding the drums in a special rhythm, with the tiny cymbals and flutes as accompaniment, is really charming and unforgettable.
鼕行列は何時見ても良いものです。躍動感に溢れ、誰もが心から楽しんでいます。男性の多くは酔っています。鼕行列でたった一つ好きになれない点は、参加した子供達が風邪を引いてしまうことです。私でさえ風邪を引きそうです。しかし、勇壮に鳴り響く太鼓の音に、風邪など吹き飛んでしまいそうです。 小さな鐘と横笛が伴なって、大勢の打ち手が独特なリズムで叩く太鼓の響きはとても壮大で一度聞いたら忘れることが出来ません。
I see it every year. Don’t forget, this year it is on April 16th. Let’s go out and see it. Also, at this time of year, around April 24th, there will be the Old Tea Whisk retirement ceremony. It is held at Gesshoji. This year we are also having a tea cake exhibit that is really going to be great. It is for tea cake makers from all over the country and we MUST go and see it. There will be many people there from far places and we should show them the hospitality of the people of Matsue. I am going and hope to see you there. If we meet, please say, “Hi!”
私は毎年必ず見に行きます。今年は四月十六日に行われます、皆さん忘れずに行きましょう。 またこの時期、四月二十四日前後には、月照寺で古い茶せんの供養祭が行われます。 今年はさらに、菓子博覧会も盛大に開催される予定です。全国から製菓業者が集まるこのイベント、是非とも行かねばなりません。遠路から見えるお客さんも多いことと思います。松江市民全員で歓迎したいものです。私も出掛けます。その際皆さんとお会い出来ればと思っています。もし私を見かけたら、“こんにちわ”と声を掛けて下さい。