日本の結婚式 - Japanese Weddings
I have been present at many weddings in Japan. One of the first was my good friend, Dr. Chihiro Yoshioka, of Tottori University. It was shown on Television. Then there was the wedding of Mr. Shigeyuki Kobayashi of Hitachi Metals Co. He is now the manager of Hitachi’s newest factory in the United States, and very happy, as are his children, who are attending college in The States.
Most wedding in Japan are followed by a very nice reception, or party, where there is much food and sometimes gifts for the guests. In America that is not done. We have the party and food, but no gifts. The receptions I have attended have been very nice and the food also very good.
One was held at Ichimonjiya Hotel, which is owned by very fine people named Kageyama, who are also old friends of mine. It seems that everyone enjoys the parties. Friendly guests, music, good food and a happily married couple. What could be better? In The U.S. we have no custom of Omiai. All marriages are love marriages. Unfortunately, we also have a high divorce rate. This bad custom of divorce is beginning to change and they are becoming less popular.
その中の一つは私の昔からの友人である由緒ある景山家の皆さんが経営する一文字屋ホテルで催されました。パーティーというのはだれにとっても楽しいもののようです。気さくな招待客、音楽、おいしい食べ物、そして結婚し幸せな二人。これ以上何を望むというのでしょう。 アメリカにはお見合いという習慣はありません。すべての結婚は恋愛結婚です。残念なことに、アメリカの離婚率は高いものとなっています。しかし、このという好ましくない習慣も変化のきざしを見せ始めており、以前ほど一般的ではなくなりつつあります。
Another custom that we do not have in the United States is the “YOSHI” or “adopted husband” custom. This is where the husband takes the bride’s name and becomes the son of the bride’s family. This is really strange to us in America where the bride sometimes doesn’t take the husband’s name any more. They are married with different last names. Quite all right. The wife is still “Mrs”, though it is seldom used. In marriage, there are many differences between America and Japan. If you have questions about them, please write to me at the newspaper. I will answer.