母の日 - Mother's day
How many of you are children? Simple question, simple answer. We all are! How many of you talked to your mother yesterday? It was Mother’s Day! How many remembered it?
That is not such a good question. The answer is hard because many of us did not talk to our mothers at all. It was a sad day for mothers! I have a good reason. My mother passed on last year, but I put a fresh flower near her picture which is in a special place in our house.
あまり良い質問ではない様ですね。お母さん電話をかけなかったため、答えられない人が大勢いることと思います。お母さんには悲しい日だったに違いありません。 私の場合、少し事情が異なります。私の母は昨年亡くなりました。家の中の特別な場所に飾ってある母の遺影の前には新鮮な花が供えられています。
In fact, it is in the center of the living room. We see it every day and always remember how great she was. How she guided us through life, while we were with her; how she supported us in times of trouble; how she fed us and cared for us when we were sick; how she worried and scolded us when we were doing foolish things with our lives; how we hated it when she did that; and above all else, how loyal she was to us. It is true! A mother’s love is the strongest of all! (Except, perhaps, for a father’s love). The above comments about mothers may seem a little foolish, but I am sure that most mothers will agree with me and maybe most fathers.
In America, it is really true. Mothers are loved above everyone else. Anyway, yesterday was Mother’s day. If you forget your mother on that day, perhaps today is not too late to say, “Mom, I’m sorry I didn’t call you yesterday, but I was too busy.” My mother would kill me for saying that.
現にアメリカでは母親は誰よりも愛される存在なのです。 昨日何もしなかった人は、今からでも遅くありません、「母さん。昨日は電話をしなくて御免、すごく忙しかったんだよ」こんな事をもし言えば、私の母なら私を殺していたかも知れません。
I’m sure you should just say, “I’m sorry, Mom. Did you have a good day yesterday? I sent some flowers. Have they come yet?” Of course, if your mother lives nearby, you can say, “Mom, here are some flowers for you for Mother’s Day. Better late than never”. (An old American saying)
I’m pretty sure you didn’t forget your mother, but if you did, call her now and send a flower or two to her. She will forgive you? Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!!!