地震に関する言い伝え - Old Customs Regarding Earthquakes
Japan is a country where earthquakes are very common and a day never goes by that one or many do not occur. Looking at the volcanic rock everywhere should convince you of this fact. In recent days, earthquakes are becoming more feared because of the Great Hanshin Earthquake that destroyed much of Kobe and some of Osaka. Let’s look at some ancient customs regarding earthquakes.
The greatest earthquake in Japan, that is remembered by people was the Great Kanto Earthquake on September 1, 1923. More than 100,000 lives were lost in that terrible catastrophe. 3,000,000 homes were destroyed by the results of that quake such as tidal waves and fires. The Japanese have this saying that I have heard in referring to extreme fearfulness. “Jishin, kaminari, kaji, Oyaji.” Translated to: Earthquake, thunder, fire, Father are feared, with earthquakes first. The fact that “father” is included saddens me since the father should be a very respected and loved member of the family. Maybe that’s only in America.
人々が思い出す日本で最大の地震は、1923年9月1日に起こった関東大震災です。 恐ろしい大惨事で10万人以上もの人が亡くなり、地震の後の津波や火事のために300万の家屋が倒壊しました。日本人が恐れるものを形容した言葉に「地震、雷、火事、おやじ」というのがあります。地震が筆頭に挙げられています。私はこの中に父親を意味する「おやじ」が含まれていることを残念に思います。父親は、家族から尊敬され愛される存在のはずです。でも、それはアメリカの中だけの話なのかもしれません。
Over the centuries of disasters, people have come to believe that an earthquake occurring at 12 o’clock brings sickness; one happening at four or eight o’clock brings rain; a ten o’clock event means drought; and one at 2, or 6 o’clock tells of high winds. It sometimes takes a day or two for the effects to appear. What do you think of this? Maybe we should keep in mind the knowledge our ancestors learned the hard way, by experience.
Another belief that everyone knows is that there is a great catfish in the earth, and when it shakes its tail, a great earthquake occurs. This is an old story and we know it’s not true, but what way is there to foretell the terrible shaking of the ground that kills and destroys? Apparently there is no way.
さらに、だれでも知っている話として、地震が起きるのは地底にいる巨大なナマズがしっぽを振るからだというのがあります。これは、言い伝えであって事実でないことは言うまでもありません。しかし、大勢の人の命を奪い街を破壊する地震を確実に予知することがはたしてできるでしょうか。 もちろん、そんなことは不可能です。
Some say geese become nervous before one, others say the sky looks strange. Still others say the ocean gets cold and some claim that gas in the water increases just before one of the terrible events happens to us. Whom are we to believe? I don’t know, but neither did our ancestors. They only talked about what happened afterwards. The terrible earthquake respects nothing!