雨 - Rain
We are in the middle of a long rainy season and I often think how many people look at such weather and say, “How I hate rain”. I also do not like to run through puddles in the street getting splashed by careless drivers who don’t care about pedestrians. However, without rain, we have no green gardens or fields. We have no fresh water to drink and have dirty streets which need the washing given by rain. In my case, my car also gets washed when it rains.
I often tell my students, when they complain about the rain, that without it there would be no life and it is God’s way to wash the world. When we were in Florida during summer vacation, I saw rain that you wouldn’t believe! Just tons of water came from the skies in buckets full! The world was covered with water! Then we would drive, very carefully, for ten minutes and emerge from the rain into a place that hadn’t seen rain for weeks! This sounds unbelievable, but it is true in Florida. The rain only lasts for a short time though and then it is shiny and bright again.
Florida is an interesting place to visit. From the town of Eustis, Florida, to the city of orlando, Disneyworld, Seaworld, and a host of other fun places, it is an hour’s drive. It is a perfect place away from the troubles of the city. Yet, it is close enough to go to the city any time we like.
フロリダは面白い所です。 フロリダのユースティスという町からオーランド市のディズニーワールド、シーワールド、その他たくさんの行楽地まで車で一時間ほどです。都会の喧騒を免れた完ぺきな所です。しかも、行こうと思えばいつでも行けるほど近い距離にあります。
I think such an arrangement is the best of all worlds. Orlando is the fastest growing city in America. I suppose this is due to Disneyworld. Disneyworld in Florida is 400 times as big as Disneyland in California. My children loved it and want to go again. Their mother loved it and she wants to go again too. Would you all like to go with us?
これほど恵まれた条件の場所は、世界でも他にありません。 オーランドはアメリカで急成長している都市です。多分、ディズニーワールドのせいでしょう。フロリダのディズニーワールドはカリフォルニアのディズニーランドの四百倍もの大きさです。娘たちはそこが気に入って、また行きたがっていますし、家内もそうです。皆さん、私たちと出掛けませんか。