松江水郷祭 - The Matsue Suigosai Festival
What festival could be more appropriate to Matsue than a water festival? In a city that I call, “The Venice of the Orient,” it seems to fit in perfectly. The Suigosai is wonderful! I enjoy the friendship I find while wandering among the shops, or enjoying the many attractions. This year, I met many old friends at the regular “open house” held at that time by the “Home Sweet Home” owners.
We talked about the festival, the fireworks, and plans for the future. One American lady is from Gotsu. She is about to return to the U.S. She had been an Assistant English Teacher, loved Japan, and wanted to stay, but couldn’t because of the rules. If we get a good teacher from another country, we should keep them as long as possible. Good teachers are hard to find, and efficiency reports on the teachers here, should have an effect on whether they can stay, or not.
I have no idea what the government is thinking when they limit a good teacher’s stay to only two years. The educational system needs reliable, efficient teachers, who are a good example to the students. This will help the students to form good ideas about foreign visitors to Japan, and will help stop any prejudice, or other bad opinions formed by reading horror stories about other countries.
For instance, people say how dangerous America is! It is just not true, if you avoid the big cities! The beautiful fireworks, happy people, and meeting friends at the “open house” all contributed to a very warm and happy evening. I look forward the Suigosai, every year. Its merger with the Dan Dan Festival was a good move, even though everyone loved the parades.
例えば、日本の人々はアメリカを危険極まりない国であるかの様に言い立てますが、大都市を除けば必ずしもそうとは限りません。 美しい花火、気さくな人々、パーティで出会った友人達、これら全てが心温まる幸せな夕べを演出してくれました。 私は毎年水郷祭を楽しみにしています。水郷祭とだんだん祭りが統合されたことは、多くの人が楽しみにしていたパレードが無くなった事を差し引いても、良い決断だったと思います。