干支(その2) - Year of Birth Animals - Part II
Dragon people are fortunate and will succeed in life. The chance of unexpected failure is always present because they are usually in the highest positions and can only fail.
The snake is regarded as lucky in business, but with a bad character. It It is tricky, jealous and the symbol of Benten Sama. One of the seven lucky gods, who is said to be very jealous. In ancient stories, women became snakes to gain revenge on husbands and lovers. The snake is thought to bring prosperity to people and if they wash their money in Benten Shrine fountains, it will double in value. The most popular shrine for money-washing is Zeniarai Benten, in Kamakura.
The horse is sacred because gods coming to earth are thought to come on horseback. Images are kept in shrines and in some cases, real horses are kept. The horse’s large ears are said to hear all prayers. People born then love luxury and a good appearance. If they try hard, they will succeed.
The sheep has no defenses and people born in that year, often fail. This is not their fault, but because of the selfishness of others. These people are kind, gentle and loved by their acquaintances. Monkey-year people are very clever, but flighty and impractical. They can become artists and if determined, will succeed. Their personality is fickle.
羊は無防備な動物で、この年に生まれた人はよく失敗します。しかし、これはその人の責任ではなく、周囲の身勝手のせいなのです。ヒツジ年の人は親切で優しく、仲間からとても愛されます。 サル年の人はとても利口ですが、軽はずみで非現実的です。芸術家タイプで、強い決意で臨めば成功します。また、気まぐれなところも彼らの特徴です。
Fowl, or rooster-year people are inconstant and do not stick to anything for long. They seldom succeed, but are good-hearted, clever, and like mechanical work. The men of the dog-year are faithful and lovable, but they can’t succeed unless they have a strong wife, who will make them do so. Dog-year people have many friends. The year of the boar is one of courageous and strong people. They do not change their course and often fail, due to that. They are also active and progressive and will succeed if they think before acting.
トリ年生まれの人は、一貫性がなく何をやっても長続きしません。そのためめったに成功を収めることはありませんが、気立てが良く、賢く、機械仕事が好きです。 イヌ年生まれの男性は、誠実で愛すべき人たちなのですが、成功するにはおしりをたたいてくれる強い奥さんが必要です。イヌ年の人は多くの友人に恵まれます。イノシシ年生まれは、勇敢で強い人たちです。猪突猛進型で、そのためによく失敗します。また活動的、進歩的な彼らは、行動を起こす前によく考えるようにすれば成功します。