伝説の中のくし - The Comb in Legend
In continuing on the subject of combs, we will talk about the legends again. The first story concerns Izanami dying and going to the “Land of Shadows.” This is in Higashi Izumo.
くしに関するテーマを続けるうえで、今一度伝説に触れておきましょう。 最初は東出雲を舞台とした、その死後“黄泉の国”へと旅立った伊耶那美にまつわる物語です。
Izanagi was very lonely after his wife died, so he went to the “Land of Shadows,” to find her. He was told to “Wait for a while,” because she had to talk to the ruler of the land, to see if she could leave.” He was also told not to look at her. The “for a while” became so long that Izanagi became impatient and entered the gate.
It became too dark to see, so he took the ‘male pillar’ of the bamboo comb he had taken from his left hair coil, and made a light. Then he saw the rotting body of his wife, on which many thunder gods were sitting. He was horrified, and ran away. The “Hags of Hades” chased him, and he took the bamboo comb from his right hair coil and threw it down. It immediately grew bamboo sprouts, which the hags stopped to eat. This happened with the grapevine from his hair, and eventually allowed him to escape from the “Land of Shadows.”
In this story, two combs were used!The hair coils mentioned were a style often told of, and seen on statues of the ancient residents of the Izumo Area. Two of these statues can be found at Izumo Taisha. One is of Okunishi no Mikoto and the Rabbit of Inaba. The other is of the “Land Giving” legend. This is where Okuninushi agrees to give his land to Amaterasu’s chosen ruler of Japan.
この物語では、2本のくしが使われています。中に出てくるまき毛は、しばしば語られその古代出雲地方の住人たちの像で目にする彼らの結っていた髪型です。出雲大社にはそうした像のうちの2体が置かれています。1体は大国主命と因幡の白うさぎの像です。 そしてもう1体が“国譲り”の伝説にまつわる像です。これは大国主が、天照が日本の統治者として指名した者に自分の土地を譲り渡すことを合意した、という物語です。
I am not in agreement with this story, but it’s the story of how Izumo Taisha was built. This great shrine was built in the 8th century and helps us give a time period to many events.