年末のごあいさつ - Season's Greetings
This is the time of the year when all my friends have to be remembered, with gratitude for their good natures and their patience with me.
My wife is well and my children are home! My granddaughter came home with her mother and I am having a really tough time keeping her from helping write this article! My youngest daughter came back from college and without fooling around in Tokyo! We love to share the holidays together. That is the best way!
I received about 50 Xmas cards from foreign friends. The Elder Hostel members wrote and there were quite a few others from all over the world. It is good to know them!
I have many, many friends in Matsue and the Sanin Area. They all share a warm place in my heart and I consider myself a very lucky man to have so many. Even though my Japanese is not so good, we can communicate with each other in true friendship and brotherhood. All we need to do is open our hearts. Isn’t that simple? Let’s try it, shall we?
Anyway, at this time of year, it is proper for us to send greetings to our friends telling of our happiness, and we also hope that they are experiencing joyful holidays. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to you all, from the bottom of my heart! Next year, let’s continue our long and pleasant friendship! God bless and keep everyone well!
いずれにせよ、この時期は友人に幸せを伝える挨拶状を送るべきです。彼らが楽しい休日を過ごされていることを願います。 皆さん、心から、メリークリスマス、そして新年おめでとうございます。来年も変わらずお付き合いくださいますよう、よろしくお願い申しあげます。皆さんのご多幸とご健勝を祈って。