食べ物 - Food
Many of my friends don’t believe that foreign people like raw fish. The fact is that many people in many countries like this delicate food. They also like squid and octopus. Even in the United States, some people eat octopus. Many people eat eel. I consider the eel as a great delicacy. Some other countries raise more eels than are raised in Japan. I think that Israel raises the most in the world.
My youngest child loves squid and my favorite salad is made of octopus and cucumbers. Some of my friends say that SUKI YAKI is a popular dish, but at my house, we almost never eat it. Much more preferable is SHABU-SHABU, O-DEN or YAKINIKU. Japan has a variety of vegetables and fruit for us to eat, but they are seasonal. That means that they can be eaten only at certain times of the year.
私の末の娘はイカが大好物ですし、私の好きなサラダはタコときゅうりで作ったものです。友人の中にはすき焼きが人気のある料理だと言う人もいますが、わが家ではほとんど食べません。むしろ、しゃぶしゃぶ、おでん、あるいは焼き肉がよく食卓に登場します。 日本には季節ごとにさまざまな野菜や果物がありますが、一年のうちわずかな間しか食べることができません。
Strawberries are one of them. The season is short and so we can’t enjoy them for long. In America, we have strawberries the whole year round, both winter and summer. This is because we freeze this very delicious fruit and sell it anytime and anywhere.Strawberry shortcake is my favorite dessert. In fact, it is the only dessert I eat without hesitation. I am trying to lose weight and shun almost all sweets, but strawberry shortcake is irresistible. It is a perfect dessert for summer. If you have it at your house, please invite me!
イチゴもそうで、時期は短く、長期間味わうことができません。アメリカでは、夏も冬も一年中イチゴが食べれます。冷凍して、いつでもどこでも売っているのです。 イチゴのショートケーキは私の好きなデザートで、ためらわずに食べる唯一のデザートです。減量中で甘いものを遠ざけていますが、イチゴのショートケーキにはさからえません。夏向きの完ぺきなデザートです。もしお宅にありましたら、どうぞお招きください。