Japan has many stories of different animals, one being the Tanuki. This animal has no name in English, but sometimes we call it the badger. In fact, it looks more like a cross between a badger and a raccoon. We can even see them in the city of Matsue these days. The difference between the tanuki and the badger is quite distinct and habits differ as well. The badger digs well, but the tanuki can’t.
日本の昔話には、数多くの動物が登場しますが、狸もその一つです。英語には狸に相当する言葉は無く代わりにしばしばアナグマと呼ばれます。実際、狸はアナグマとアライグマを掛け合わせた動物の様です。近年、松江市内でも狸を目撃する事があります。 狸とアナグマの間には、外見だけでなく性質上大きな違いがあります。アナグマは穴掘りの名人ですが、狸は全く穴を掘りません。
The opossum is an animal found in the US that feigns death to fool attackers. The tanuki has the same habit and “Tanuki-ne” is feigned sleep. This cute, friendly animal is a mixture of many creatures, it seems. Many stories exist where the tanuki changes itself into a human for purposes of mischief. However, it is a treasured creature and often made a pet of, in some remote places. The meat is good to eat and tanuki-jiru (tanuki soup). Their fur is also precious, somewhat like a wolverine, the fur of which is very good and warm.
アメリカには、オポッサムという、襲われると死んだ振りをする動物が生息していますが、狸も同様で、「狸寝」という、寝たふりを意味する言葉もあります。この愛らしく憎めない動物は、他の多くの動物の交配種であるかのようです。 狸が人間に化けて、悪さをするという話は数多くあります。しかし、一方で狸は貴重な動物とされ、所によっては多く飼育されています。肉で狸汁を作りますし、皮も非常に高品質で暖かいクズリの皮と同様、重宝にされます。
In ancient times, Shikoku and Sado Island had large populations of tanuki. We have many in the Sanin District, too. The fox is another animal of Japan that is highly respected and even worshipped in shrines all over the country. He is called “O-Inari-San” and the double honorific is only found for the fox. He became popular when seen in a dream by a priest. In that dream, it was associated with the Goddess of Cereals. As soon as the priest awoke, he carved the figures he had seen, and when he had returned to Japan, put the figures in a shrine. This shrine soon became popular with a its devotees, and O-Inari-San took his place in religious history. As I mentioned, it is one of the most popular gods in the country.
その昔、四国と佐渡島に多くの狸が生息しており、山陰にも多数いました。 人間から敬われる動物としては、他に狐が挙げられます。御稲荷さんと呼ばれ、日本の多くの神社で奉られ崇拝されています。“御”稲荷“さん”と敬称を2つも付けて呼ばれるのは狐だけです。 狐がこの様な存在になる発端は、ある一人の神主が見た夢にありました。その夢の中で狐は、穀物の女神と共に現れました。眠りから覚めた神主は夢で見たままの像を彫り、帰国後、その像を神社に据えました。神社の存在は瞬く間に人々の知るところとなり、これが、宗教の歴史における御稲荷さんの始まりです。そして、先に延べた通り、現在御稲荷さんは日本で最も親しまれている神様の一人です。
One more legendary animal that I recall is the rabbit. This creature became famous in stories about Okuninushi no Mikoto, the God of Taisha and Izumo no Kuni, as the Rabbit of Inaba. It is also mentioned in stories with the tanuki. In most stories, it is a good and kind creature and much loved by children in the old days. Its figure was seen in the shadows on the face of the moon pounding rice for rice cakes. Of course, this is just a romantic way of giving form to shadows, but children love to do that, too. In the west, we see a man in the moon, since the spots look like a face to us.
伝説に登場する動物といって、私が思い出すのは兎です。兎は、出雲大社に奉られている出雲の国の神、大国主命が出てくる神話、因幡の白兎で知られています。兎は狸と共に物語に登場することもあります。 兎は、登場する殆どの物語の中で、心優しく親切で子供達から愛される動物として描かれています。月の表面の影では、兎が餅をついていると言います。もちろんこれは、月の影をロマンティックに描写したものに過ぎませんが、子供達はこの話が大好きです。 西洋人には、月の黒点が人間の顔に見えます。
We know that the sea stories probably come from the south seas and again show some of the origins of the Japanese. This is not unusual in island countries such as New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania, where some really strange creatures are found, including the kangaroo, duck-billed platypus, kiwi, Tasmanian tiger, the Tasmanian wolf, and the great Moa bird which is now extinct. Finding names for these creatures in Japan is hard for me, because they are not the same animal and it is hard to understand what we talk about when we describe them.
海に関する物語は南方から渡って来たもので、日本人の起源を知る手がかりが隠されていることは知られている事実です。 こうしたことは、カンガルー、カモノハシ、キーウィ、タスマニア虎、タスマニア狼、現在では絶滅してしまったモアといった、不思議な動物が生息する、あるいはしていたニュージーランド、オーストラリア、タスマニアの様な島国では珍しいことではありません。 こうした動物は全て同じではありませんし、説明を試みても理解してもらうことは大変困難な為、彼らの名前を日本で聞くことは殆どありません。
There are so many stories about such things that I could never get them all together, but it is most fascinating to see how much animals mean to the people of this charming country, as well as to other people’s cultures. Again, it all goes back to Animism and we have talked about this before. This religion developed into the Shintoism we know today and animal statues and carvings can be found in almost all shrines. One has more than 20 different animals throughout the shrine. It was fun trying to find as many as possible.
As for the birds, there are some of those, too. The crane (tsuru) is important, and along with the turtle (kame) stands for long life. Sparrows are friendly and some old, warm-hearted stories concern them. The roots of these stories come from other countries and show us that the culture of Japan has been affected by cultures from many countries. The swallow is especially honored in its place in folklore. It is a good luck bird and valued for its return every spring and its diligence in caring for its young.
The crow was even mentioned in the Kojiki, where it acted as a messenger. This bird is even related to the passage of the Tatara furnace to this part of Japan from Kyushu. Following these stories of animals we learn more and more about the culture we see all around us in any country in the world, but especially in Japan.
烏は、既に古事記の中に使いとして登場しています。また、たたら製鉄が九州からこの地方へ伝達された際にも、役割を果たしました。 動物に関する物語を辿って行くと、世界各国の文化についてより多くを学ぶことが出来ます。しかし、何より日本文化について知ることが出来ると思います。