秋の美しさ - The Beauty of Autumn
Well, autumn is with us and the heat and humidity of summer are now things of the past. While I really hate cold weather, heat and humidity also make me feel tired and uncomfortable. I’m sure most other people are the same, and we are all glad when autumn comes each year.
I like the flowers that bloom in this season. Especially, the cosmos. That pretty, little, charming flower has all the things I like in life. Simplicity, honesty, color, and delicacy. It is a flow-er that hides nothing. All it has is there for us to see. The filmy leaves, delicate petals, and clear colors are not hidden among other things. They are out in the open, and show themselves for what they really are. I wish all people were like that.
A friend of mine, who knows that I love this flower, sent me a huge bouquet of cosmos and susuki. They were immediately put into a vase, and placed in the best spot for viewing in our living room. The fact that someone remembered that I liked cosmos, also made me feel good. What wonderful people there are in the Sanin Area! I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
Autumn is the season that rice is hung to dry. The sight of those huge racks of rice makes me feel the passing of another year. From the bright green seedlings of spring, to the waving of the full grown plants in the summer, and finally to the drying rice in autumn, we can see the progress of life. Then the stubble in the paddies in winter, completes the picture of nature’s plan.
Autumn also brings the lovely color changes of the maple and gingko trees. I like the yellow and gold colors best. Reds are lovely, and look like fire on the hills in this season, but yellow and gold are friendlier for me. I like the golden gingko trees best. Then, there are the falling leaves that rustle in the wind when we walk in them, as I sometimes do when I need real peace and quiet, to get rest from the hustle and bustle of my busy life.
秋はまた、カエデ、銀杏の木々の葉を美しく染め上げる季節でもあります。丘を覆い尽くした赤い葉は、山火事と見まごうほどです。私は優しく語りかけてくるような黄色と金色が好きです。特に金色の銀杏は私のお気に入りです。 静けさの中で心を落ち着けたくなる時、日常の忙しい生活から逃れたくなる時、私はよく風の中を舞う落ち葉の中を一人歩きます。
We all need a little time to escape from our hectic lives, and really feel nature! One of my best friends gets his rest and relaxation by going fishing on his boat. He may not catch anything, but he is really at peace with the world at that time. Other people go to visit the quiet bays and coves of the Sanin Area. Others paint, or enjoy other peaceful hobbies.
私達には例えわずかでも、このように日常の喧燥を離れ自然と戯れる時間が時に必要なのです。 私の友人の一人は、心を落ち着けるために自分のボートで釣りに出かけます。何も釣れなくても、彼には自然の中にいるだけで満足です。他にも山陰の静かな入り江を訪れたり、絵を描いたり一人で楽しめる趣味に没頭することで安らぎを得ている人達もいます。
I like to go sightseeing with friends, or even alone, to the old temples and shrines in our area, to try regain the feelings experienced by the ancient people of Japan. Isn’t autumn a lovely season? We can all enjoy it!