水稲農業 - Wet-Rice Agriculture
About 2,000 years ago, rice came to Japan from India, through China, and later, Korea. This was at about the same time that many other ancient customs came from the Asian Continent.
Susanoo’s orders to Kushinada’s mother and father to make very strong rice wine, to intoxicate Yamata no Orochi, probably ended up with shochu. In my experience, shochu is indeed a very strong drink! It has left many people with a very bad headache the next day. This condition is called, a “hangover.”
According to legend, wet-rice was a grain given to Amaterasu’s grandson, Ninigi no Mikoto, when he was sent to rule over Japan. The beginning of an improved wet-rice culture was around the seventh century, and that is a possible clue to the real time that Ninigi no Mikoto came.
Around the same time, the improvement in the wet-rice culture was taught to the people of Izumo no Kuni by Koreans coming there to escape Korea after Japan had been defeated there in 622. This timing is also very good. These people were considered as citizens of Japan, because Kaya, in Korea, had been a colony of Japan’s The history of rice is related to the history of Japan. It shows us what happened in each of many areas.
同じころ、自国から日本に逃れてきた朝鮮人により改良された水稲文化が出雲の国の人々にもたらされました。622年、日本が朝鮮で敗れた後のことでした。この時機もまたたいへん的を得たものでした。朝鮮の伽耶は日本が支配していたことから、これら朝鮮人たちは日本の人民と見なされました。 米の歴史は日本の歴史と関係しているのです。 米は多くの場所で何が起こったのかを語っています。
Izumo no Kuni’s history began before wet-rice technology, and its introduction helped the country become stronger. Korea had a great history, and China was a center and merging of cultures from much of the rest of the world, in ancient times. Together, these two nations have given the country of Japan its roots. From these roots, Japan has built a great culture that is respected all over the world.
出雲の国の歴史は、水稲の技術より古いのですが、水稲の導入は出雲の国をより強大にするのに貢献しました。 朝鮮半島にも偉大な歴史はありました。古代中国は中心であり、世界の多くの地域の文化の交流地点でもありました。これら二つの国は共に日本の国家の起源を形成しました。そして、その起源を基に、日本は全世界から尊敬を集める偉大な文化を作り上げたのです。