決断 - Decisions
Now is the season of decisions. What school to go to; cancel a success in one school and try for a better school NEXT year; give up completely and get a job that is not right for you; take a bribe; select a place to live that you like; live in a place you don’t like just for the work you get; take up smoking, or drinking–both of which, if used badly, will destory your life–plus many, many other decisions that can make you happy or unhappy, a success or a failure, a good or a bad person and otherwise affect your life.
Make your decisions with intelligence! Doing something because your friend does it, is not a good reason, unless you have a very excellent friend. ”For convenience,” is not a very good reason, unless it is a temporary job, which will soon end. When you decide, you must consider your own qualifications, desires and future plans. Is this your career? Boy friends and girl friends are not important in this decision. Only YOU are important.
それは熟考のうえで行わなくてはなりません。友人がやっているから自分もそうするというのは、その人がきわめて優秀な人でないかぎり、ほめられた理由ではありません。また、「便利だから」というのも、短期間のアルバイトというのなら話は別ですが、あまり良い理由とはいえません。 決断に際しては、自分の資質、希望、将来の計画を考慮に入れる必要があります。それが、自分に合った職業ですか?。 決断に当たってボーイフレンドやガールフレンドは重要ではありません。要は自分自身なのです。
In some cases, your family is important in making decisions, because you all have family responsibilities. We should not avoid those important responsibilities! Every day, people make the wrong decision! We can read about them in the newspaper. Those people have ruined their lives and the lives of their families.
家族が問題になることもあります。あなたは家族に対して責任があるわけですから。そうした重要な責任から逃れることはできないのです。 人は日々誤った決断を下しています。新聞を読めばわかります。彼らは自らの人生そして、家族の人生をも台無しにしたのです。
Ben Johnson, a Canadian, was one such person. Bad decisions are made out of greed, desire for profit, and other reasons that are not all good. They could affect our family’s reputation. Are you ready to cause your family distress because of a wrong idea or poor decision? In the long run, decisions should not be made without a lot of thought, consideration and discussion with people who are wise. Ask a respected person with no black marks on his character for help and Good Luck!