退院しました!! - Home Again!!!
I have waited for this day for a long time. It has finally come and I am very happy. I am out of the hospital! Wow!! I feel GREAT! Everyone said what a bad time I would have after two months in the hospital, but I had no trouble at all. I was in the Shimane Medical College’s hospital.I am well!
This is something like a record. Only ten days after the operation and I was ready for home. Of course, I had very wonderful doctors. Dr. Nagasue, Dr. Kono and Dr. Yamaguchi took really good care of me. They spoke English and were very understanding and excellent. The nurses were also very kind and helpful. With such wonderful people taking care of me, I had to get well! I thank them!
I also want to thank all my wonderful students and friends, for the support they gave while I was in the hospital. I had flowers all the time I was there. I even had a fan club! However, I was lonely! I missed all my English students very much! My stay in the hospital was not pleasant, but it was a very necessary stay and now I am well.
また、入院中に私の力になってくれた生徒たちや友人にもお礼を言いたいです。病室にはいつも花が飾ってありました。ファンクラブさえできたほどです。しかし、英語のクラスの生徒たちに会えなかったのにはとても寂しい思いをしました。 病院での生活は、楽しいものではありませんでしたが、入院が必要な状況でしたし、そのおかげで元気になれました。
I learned a lot about myself and it was a valuable lesson. I learned that if a person tries to live without friend, life is a very sad and lonely condition. It is better with friends and family. My family stood beside me every day and my wife worked very hard to help me through this difficult time. Visitors came and made my days brighter and my children came home from their jobs and helped. In fact, we can find out who our real friends are in such a situation. Once again, I am home and I thank you all for your support. You are great!
自分自身を見つめることで多くを学んだ貴重な時間でした。もし人が友人を持たずに生きていこうとするなら、それは悲しく寂しい人生になることでしょう。友人や家族に囲まれている方が幸せです。家族は毎日私のそばにいてくれました。妻は懸命に看病してくれましたし、お見舞いに来てくださった皆さんのおかげで毎日がより明るくなりました。子供たちも仕事から帰って私の面倒を見てくれました。実際、このようなときにこそ本当の友人がわかるものです。 改めまして、退院しました。皆さんのご助力に感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。