国際協定 - International Agreement
Matsue is working hard to join the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, in a sister-city relationship. I have mentioned this before, but it points up the fact that the Sanin Area is now becoming more and more a part of the international community.
Many agreements are being made with Korea and China as a part of Japan Sea Rim. This is a natural development. I still feel that the average person doesn’t actually realize his/her position in the society of the world! Most people shop in their little local markets, which don’t even carry foreign products. They seldom see a foreign face and if they do, it shocks them. They should not be shocked, they should be educated to accept these experiences as part of their lives.
日本は環日本海の一員として韓国や中国との間で数多くの協定を結んでいますが、当然の流れであると言えます。 しかし、それでも私には平均的な人が国際社会の中における自らの地位を実際に認識しているとは思えません。大半の人は地元の小さな食料品店で買い物をしますが、そこに外国製品は置かれていません。外国人をめったに見かけることのない彼らがいざ出会うとショックを受けます。そうではなく、こうした経験を日常生活の一部として受け入れられるよう自らを訓練すべきなのです。
With Japan standing in the world ”Limelight,” so to speak, no one should fail to take part in any international activity that will help him/her understand the world better. Art shows, movies, plays, sports, and anything that will give him/her a flavor of internationalism.
According to the Izumo legends, the first international marriage was between Susanoo no Mikoto and Inada Hime, and took place many hundreds of years ago, right here in our own Izumo no Kuni. Lafcadio Hearn, an Irish-Greek immigrant to Japan, married Setsu Koizumi, of Matsue, adopted her family name and became a citizen of Japan. From this, we can see that our area has international roots going back into the remote past and up to more recent time.
出雲の伝説によれば、最初の国際結婚は遠い昔、この出雲の国で須佐之男命(すさのおのみこと)と稲田姫との間で執り行われたといいます。 アイルランド・ギリシャ系移民だったラフカディオ・ハーンは、松江で小泉節と結婚し、妻の姓を名乗り日本人になりました。このことは、この地が遠い昔から近代に至るまで国際的なルーツを有していることを物語っています。
My own international marriage took place many years ago, and I have three daughters who like Japan and the U.S., too. Like me, however, it appears that they like Japan best! Smart kids!