音楽演奏会と友達 - Musical Performance and Friends
On October 3rd, I went to a concert at Plover Hall and saw Evalyn Grenee, an excellent percussionist. She only had a piano accompanist for about half the time, but she was great! I took two new friends with me, Professor and Mrs. Paulenich, of Kent University.
10月3日、優れた打楽器奏者・エバリン・グリニーを観にプラバホールへ出掛けました。彼女がピアノの伴奏を伴なったのは演奏時間の約半分でしたが、たいへんすばらしいコンサートでした。 新しい二人の友人、ケント大学のポウレニッチ教授ご夫妻もお連れしました。
They were very happy to see the cultural level of Matsue, and its people. It was a splendid introduction to Matsue for them. The fact that we get such good performers to come to Matsue, amazed them. I was told that, even in the U.S., people don’t support the artists as well as we in Matsue do. Of course I told them that Matsue has a very sophisticated society.
Many artist don’t like to come to Matsue, because they consider it too small and unimportant for them. I very positively disagree with that idea! If they are too egoistical, they shouldn’t come here. We are happy with people who are very good, and not quite so famous. They appreciate Matsue’s people, and Plover Hall!
The audience was as quiet as mouse, while Ms. Grenee was playing, and she was called back for three encores. Perhaps she did this because the audience was so polite. She was small, but full of vitality. Her encores were as excellent as her regular concert. I think the last tune was the William Tell Overture. I love that music!
レニーさんが演奏している間、聴衆は水を打ったように静かでした。彼女は3度アンコールに応じましたが、それはおそらく聴衆のマナーがとてもよかったからだと思います。 彼女は小柄ですが生命力に満ち、アンコールはそれまでの演奏同様すばらしいものでした。最後の曲は、ウィリアム・テル序曲だったと思います。私の大好きな曲です。
The music festival being presented by Plover Hall is really great, and my guests were quite surprised that the city leaders were quite actively involved in improving Matsue’s position concerning international exchanges. It is because we have such good men, who are working hard to help our city gain its place in the world, that we are becoming so popular with visitors. I think it is admirable, commendable, and aggressive to do so. Don’t you?