地球を守る - Protecting Our Earth
These days, I have become more and more aware of the fragility of our environment, and how it is being destroyed! Automobiles with their exhaust systems; people throwing trash into the streets; pollution of our air, food, and water supplies by people, factories, and governments alike; rain forest destruction: and the unthinking use of gases that are causing the loss of ozone layer, are all responsible!
How do we control these really dangerous causes for the destruction of the environment in which we must live? There are electric cars, which are becoming more efficient, but the batteries for these cars might be causes for further environmental damage. Trash disposal must be carefully monitored, and littering severely punished.
われわれが生きていかねばならない環境を破壊するきわめて危険な原因を、どのようにして取り締まればよいのでしょうか。 電気自動車の効率性は一段と改良されてきていますが、それに使用されるバッテリーはさらなる環境破壊を引き起こす可能性をはらんでいます。ごみの処分にも注意深い監視が必要ですし、ポイ捨てをした者は厳しく処罰されるべきです。
Singapore is an excellent example of the control of littering. It is beautiful! Save the forests! Their use must be controlled, or we won’t survive! Abandoning cars should also be stopped by fining the owners for the expense of hauling, and the treatment of these cars. Governments shouldn’t have to bear the cost involved. The thinking of the people abandoning those cars, and throwing trash into the streets, must be changed from the thoughtlessness of children, to the responsibility of adults! It is a shame that “responsibility” must be taught to adults!
シンガポールはポイ捨ての取り締まりに関しては模範的な国で、街はたいへんきれいです。 森林資源の活用に規制を設け森を守っていくことも必要です。これなくして人類が生き残ることは不可能でしょう。 また、車の廃棄も、所有者に牽引や処分にかかる費用を負担させて止めなくてはなりません。この費用は行政が負担すべきではありません。車を廃棄したり道路にごみを投げ捨てるなどという子供のような無分別な考えを持つ人たちに、大人としての責任を自覚させる必要があるのです。大人に「責任」を教えなくてはならないとは残念なことです。
Radioactive wastes must be controlled very strictly to prevent endangering our whole planet! This should not, however, prevent the use of atomic energy plants, which are very safe, if operated properly. We need electricity, and those plants are the answer for Japan, or we go back to the Middle Ages, with no electricity at all. Coal and oil are pollutants that cause most of the trouble we have today, and should not be used. Healthy families are most important!