松江城 2 - Matsue Castle 2
Lord Horio, after deciding to build his castle in Matsue, determined to use a mountain near the city for the construction. His son, however, was against this. The father had made up his mind though, and continued his plans.
Unfortunately, Yoshiharu’s son then died. This made his father very sad, and he changed his plan and built on Oshiroyama, in the middle of Matsue, as his son had wanted. Around the castle, he designated certain areas for the different classes to live in, and enforced that policy. The class system was in full power at that time.
しかし、間も無く息子が亡くなるという、突然の不幸に見舞われてしまいます。悲しみに打ちひしがれた喜晴は、息子が進言した通り、松江の中心にあるお城山の上に城を建てることにしました。 喜晴は、城の周辺に特定の地域を指定し、そこに様々な異なる階級の人達を住まわせました。この施策は当時大変な効力を発揮しました。
The castle was supposed to be destroyed when the Emperor was restored in 1868, but the main building was spared due to its artistic and cultural community as a hereditary treasure.
The government declared Matsue an International City of Culture and Sightseeing, in 1951 — one of three in Japan. Kyoto and Nara are others. This was due to the importance of the castle, and the surrounding ancient sites with their valuable archeological findings. No other exhibit shows the medieval history of this part of Japan as well as Matsue Castle does. It is a treasure that should be protected and shown to visitors as much as possible.
政府は一九五一年に、松江城のとその周辺考古学上貴重な発見を伴う古代遺跡が存在することから、京都、奈良と並んで松江市を国際文化観光都市に指定しました。 松江城ほどこの地方の中世の時代を偲ばせるものは他にありません。 松江城は、私達の財産です。いつまでも保存し、出来る限り多くの人に見てもらいたいと思います。
I know that I have been in Matsue Castle many, many times, and I always take my guests there first! It can be seen in bad weather, and for other sites like Gesshoji, we must have good weather. The tour takes about two hours with all the stories about the castle, its style of construction, and history.
Our truly unusual castle deserves the best tour it is possible to give! Be proud of our city and our castle! They are magnificent! Study them and show them to visitors!