教育と喜び - Education and festivities
In November, I had the really great experience of giving a lecture to a group of correspondence school students at Kita High School. I did my best and I hope I encouraged them to do their best, too.
My aide during this lesson was the sincere and efficient, Miss Mihoko Yasue. I thank her for her help. She is a fine and dedicated teacher. The student’s ages were from 18 to around 50 and their efforts must be admired. Especially, the older ones.
講義の間、安江美保子さんという誠実で有能な女性が、私の補佐を務めてくださいました。ご助力に感謝いたします。教育熱心なすてきな先生でした。 生徒さんたちの年齢は、18才から50才くらいまでですが、皆さん、特に年配の方の努力には敬服いたします。
While talking to them, I felt that it was really wonderful to see people of all ages trying to improve their lives and jobs through gaining a better education.
They are to be very sincerely admired and complimented for their efforts.I hope they will also be rewarded in their working place.
In the United States, we have many correspondence schools at all levels of education. Some of them are college level, some are for specific job skills and others are for high school diplomas.
One of the most popular schools is the International Correspondence Schools (ICS). This school has trained millions of Americans who wanted to better their lives through learning a skill, or to get a graduation certificate from a high school. The students of that school are much appreciated for their ability and sincerity in doing a good job.
最も有名な学校の一つに、国際通信学校 (ICS: International Correspondence School) があります。これまでに、技能の習得を通して生活の向上を目指したり高校の卒業資格を取得しようという多くのアメリカ人がここで学んできました。この学校の生徒たちは、仕事におけるその能力と働きぶりにおいてたいへん高い評価を受けています。
The Kita High School Correspondence School students are studying for the same reasons and I wish them all great success in the future and encourage them to continue their work. There is nothing in the world as valuable as an adequate education! Good Luck!!!