倉吉とその特産品 - Kurayoshi and Its Products
Kurayoshi is located in the central part of Tottori Prefecture. In the 8th century, it used to be the provincial capital. There is also a famous temple named Kokubunji there. The Yamana Clan lived there in the 14th Century when it was a castle town. As with most castles in the Sanin Area, it is no longer standing.
Today, Kurayoshi is a city of about 50,000 people. It is well known for its Kasuri (indigo dyed, woven pattern, cotton cloth). This nice, small city is located in the Kurayoshi plain, in an area of about 50 square kilometers.
今日、倉吉は人口約5万人、絣(かすり=藍で染め、模様織りの綿布)で知られる街です。 この小さくてすてきな街は、約50平方キロメートルの倉吉平野の中にあります。
There are many producers of food, machinery, and textiles all over the area.As for food, the plain produces grain in the lowlands, pears in the hills to the east, and grapes in the sandy soil of the coastal area.
There are many old kofun to be found all through this part of Tottori. In addition to that, there are many hot spas for tourists. The resorts are very popular.
One more point in favor of the Kurayoshi area is the beautiful scenery that nature provides us. There is a lovely mountain scene of Mt. Daisen to be seen there, as well as a striking coastal view. Both are really wonderful!
Then we have the green fields and orchards that the farmers work in, and from which they produce very delicious fruit and vegetables. The shapes of the tiny farms to be found all throughout Japan are really charming, and one of the sights that tourists look for, and appreciate. Even though small, the fields produce a lot. This is due to hard work and a deep knowledge of nature, that seems to be part of each farmer’s know-how, from the time he is born.
緑の田畑や果樹園では、農家の方たちがとてもおいしい果物や野菜を作っています。日本全国で目にすることができる小さな農場の姿はたいへん魅力的です。これこそ観光客が求め味わう光景の一つなのです。 小さくはあっても、そこからはたくさんのものが生まれています。これは、農民たちの勤勉さと彼らが生まれたときから持っている専門的知識の一部と思われる自然に関する深い造詣によるものなのです。
In America, the Japanese farmer is well-known for having a “Green Thumb”, and being able to make anything grow. Every Japanese gardener in America is always in demand. They are great!