私の山陰 - My Sanin
Shimane Prefecture, and the rest of the Sanin District, parts of Yamaguchi, Hyogo, and Tottori Prefectures, are absolutely full of interesting sites to visit.
From Amano-hashidate in the East-Northeast to Shimonoseki in the Southwest, it seems that every little nook and cranny of the country has something that is different, ancient, and important to study.
I have been all over the area, and I believe it is impossible to have seen everything. I wish my readers would write to me and tell me the most interesting places in the area in which they live, so I can come and visit.
My interest in the history of the Sanin Area is really sincere, and there is nothing too small for me. Everything is of great importance. Even the missing pine trees in Mihonoseki are interesting.
The Sanin Area is the place it all began for Japan as a cultural society. Unfortunately, it fell to stronger groups, and became less important, when compared to other parts of the country. This area came to be known as in the “Shadow of the Mountains”. The lack of importance caused the culture of Sanin to remain unchanged over the years, and today, our natural historical relics, and sites are the reason so many tourists come here. New discoveries are constantly made of ancient artifacts of great value. The fact that we have a lot of rain, and cloudy days led to our title of “Shadow of the Mountains”. That is a truly descriptive statement. It must have taken weeks to send a mes-sage to Tokyo, and get an answer.
山陰は日本が文化社会としての夜明けを迎えた場所ですが、不運にもより強大な勢力に征服された結果、国内のほかの地域に比べその重要性は低いものとなってしまいました。そして、この地方は「山の陰」として知られるようになります。しかし、重要性を失ったことにより、山陰の文化は長い間変化することなく推移し、そのことが今日多くの観光客がこの地方の自然、歴史的遺物、遺跡を訪れる理由となっているのです。 きわめて貴重な古代の遺物からは、新たな発見が絶えずなされています。雨と曇りの日が多いことから「山の陰」と呼ばれるに至ったわけですが、実にうまく言い表していると思います。昔は東京に書簡を送り、返事を受け取るのに何週間もかかったに違いありません。
The thing I love most about Sanin, is the Sanin personality. If I had to live anywhere else in Japan, I would move back to the United States. Sanin is the best!